Miss Angelina
i'm 17 this year, a Roman Catholic, a pianist, musician & composer , loves my family, the beach, gymming, reading, my online business An Angelina,
out-of-this-world laughters,
seeing the people around me happy, sunshine, carousels, design.
I'm not your average woman
I can be contacted at sunkissed--@hotmail.com.

To reader :
This blog is actually my personal space, my place to piece my thoughts. Any critiques and other a,kfuhkajhksbv is purely coincidental or written with absolutely no intention in hurting anyone or anything. I do not want to restrict myself to write only 'nice looking' stuff that pleases everyone. No, I'm not a hypocrite. However, do not use this blog to judge me. I write this with my heart, and not my mind. But it is my heart, mind and soul that makes who I am, thus. With this, grab a cup of iced milk tea, and enjoy the little precious moments of my life. After all, this blog is An Angelina, and it's just me.

An Angelina
Four Nurture '06
Hwee Geok

  • random musings of a girl;
  • Life has been great for me so far (:Loving my fami...
  • plagued with a never-ending migraine, resulting wi...
  • (: there is one way, and only one way to different...
  • hey sunshine (:Daddy was asking me how to enter bl...
  • let's stop all this negativity.let's stop all this...

  • hey sunshine (:The storm has passed, and Angel is ...
  • i need a never-ending supply of watermelon juice.

  • Credits
    Tuesday, April 03, 2007

    Random musings (once more) of this girl:

    1. I had my first tennis training session on monday (: let's just say, my love for it wouldnt die off any time soon, for now, i just need to improve on my strokes, keep my eyes on the ball. (:
    2. Watermelon juice: 1. tastes great 2. keeps me full 3. healthy (: what's there not to love about it?
    3. I've heard Katherine Mcphee's "over it" over 215908193483 times on youtube, i swear it's addictive, or at least to me.
    4. I took a pretty long time, after which, i'm done reading my econs notes, which makes me 2 chapters back still, great. (: though, i still love econs.
    5. I think Daryl's real sweet and real fun to talk to (:
    6. Alot of people has been sick, esp Ryan who's in hospital. Get well soon you all, (: be strong!
    7. I missed my banana 5 times today: - yes, it still hurts, babe.
    8. Thanks to Chun han, Nan Xiao, Brina and Ben who waited for me after PE just to go home together, how can anybody get sweeter than that? (:
    9. I realised that you were the reason I started it all, you were the reason that I had this goal.
    10. I love tuesday's timetable.
    11. Realised that I'm not going to get much sleep tonight.
    12. I think my ligament's cranked up again, and I'm still running.
    13. When I think I'm stressed, I'd start to think of others who've other classes that runs into the night, and I think, what's mine?
    14. My low blood sugar level's been affecting me these few days, been real giddy, keep losing unconciousness here and there, black and white spots, yet I still refuse to take chocolates.
    15. oh hell I'm trying, trying so hard to forget, yet you're always there. - compliments from the influence of wynne; a haiku (japanese poem that goes 5,7,5)

    Love, Angel. (:

    the time is 9:30 AM